Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Late nights in the office...

Well, it's almost 8:00pm here at the VO office...I should probably be making my way out the door, but wanted to do some personal internet stuff first. Man, I need to get internet access at home. I should talk to Eric my landlord about that.

I'm currently busy with typing up notes for our first Marketing Committee meeting and also with a slight re-design of the Adventure Times. I'm a bit behind in my work due to all the meetings I had last week. Hopefully I can get ahead of the game. I recently cleaned off the towering piles of mess that used to occupy my desk. That should help. Other than that, I'm pretty excited for up-coming changes in the office...more about that later.

My birthday this past Friday was somewhat uneventful, except that my boyfriend Mike came up for the weekend. We had fun dressing up as "Pirate vs. Ninja" for Jen and Jason's Halloween Party on Saturday. You can see us in the picture above fighting to the death. It was also our 2-year anniversary this past weekend. Time flies when you are having fun I s'pose. :)
I head out to Seattle this weekend with Hongla to my friend Kristin's wedding. Should be alot of fun. Yay, I finally get to go further west than Ohio! Anyway, I need to run before I miss my bus.

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