Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Won Pens Tickets!

So I was at a fundraiser for Children's Hospital last night. The admission was $10 and that got you food, 2 drinks and a chance to win Pens tickets. I gave a $20 and said keep the change, then found out that there were other raffles that I could have used that $10 on (and the money still goes to the same place). But there was something weird about asking for that money back so I could try to win stuff at a charity event, so I didn't bother and just enjoyed company and watching the Pens game.

Well, as I was coming out of the bathroom right near the end of the night, the people drawing the tickets for the prizes were saying "Tricia....Tricia.....?" And my friends were looking at me, but in my head I thought, uh, I didn't buy any raffle tickets, must be some other Tricia... But it was for the Pens tickets and they were just having a hard time with my last name! AHH! I don't usually have much luck winning things so needless to say, I was completely surprised and completely stoked. :)

Good seats too check it out:

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