Monday, September 08, 2008

Taking on Screen writing.

I just got back from my first day of my new class at Filmmakers: Intro to Screen writing.

The woman teaching it is pretty hilarious, and seems to know her stuff. Tonight, we went over the syllabus and watched Die Hard in fast-forward, with the teacher pointing out the structure of the basic "3 act screenplay" as the action unfolded. It was interesting and highly entertaining at the same time. I have some readings to read for the next class, plus I may try to watch some movies in fast-motion.

(think of Spaceballs, I can watch fast-motion of the fast-forward part!).

I'm not exactly sure why I decided to pick up a screen writing class. I don't feel like I'm particularly talented in that realm. Perhaps that's part of the reason actually. It will be a good challenge. However, I don't feel like it's something I would really want to do for a living. I do not write habitually. I guess I just like trying different things...maybe wondering if I'm missing something that I could actually develop into something that I could utilize in a job or in my art?

It certainly doesn't hurt to be well-rounded.

At any rate, I did take a playwriting class and I know that my dialogue is lacking. I could use some work in that area. Also, I do not have a great knowledge of the movies in existence, directors, actors, I'll have to hop on and browse around for a while.

Or get into some conversations with some of my movie-fanatic friends.

And max out the Netflix account.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you ever plan to graduate?